August 22, 2014

Wild Angelica

Between meadow and streamlet there is a strip of dense vegetation.

They are all plants that like a place with a wet soil. Between others you see here Hemp agrimony (Eupatorium cannabinum) with pink flowers and the white umbels of Wild Angelica (Angelica sylvestris).

A Silver-washed fritillary (Argynnis paphia) finds nectar in the Wild Angelica flowers.

A little fly, a bumblebee and a bug are really busy on its fruits. What do they find there?

August 7, 2014

Sickle Leaf Spurge

Another plants that accompanies agriculture.

In cereal fields on dry calcareous soils you can find this small Sickle Leaf Spurge (Euphorbia falcata). Like all Spurges it has a white sticky latex that comes out when you break a stem or leaf. Because agriculture without herbicides and fertilizer has disappeared, it has become rare in Perigord, but in some places you can still find Sickle Leaf Spurge.

Spurge flowers are small and green or yellow, in this case well hidden inside heart-shaped bracts.