June 26, 2015

Stiff Hedgenettle

In the last rays of the evening sun, on a dry grassy hillside.

The Stiff Hedgenettle (Stachys recta) is a member of the Lamiaceae family thart grows in meadows and fields on calcareous soil. Like most plants of this family it has an angular stem en opposed leaves.

If you look from nearby, you can see its little flowers have an intricate design, creamy white with a pattern of dark red stripes and dots. The stamina under the upper lip spread like open arms to receive pollinisating insects.

June 24, 2015

Mountain Germander

This very low bush grows on a stony and dry hillside at ground level.

The branches of Mountain Germander (Teucrium montanum) are like glued to the soil.

In June it flowers with clumps of creamy-coloured flowers, Like other germenders they have a big lower lip, but no upper lip. The stamina jut out from the flower.