January 3, 2017


Nothing really special, this meadow with a bit of ruderalisation here and there. But some fog and hoarfrost changes everything.

Tor Grass (Brachypodium rupestre) takes the place of other grasses where the soil becomes a bit richer in nutrients.

Last summer's dead stems and leaves show a lot of colour compared to other grasses, and now a tiny white border of hoarfrost adds a little extra.

Bull Thistle (Cirsium vulgare) can grow in any spot where a seeds falls into loose and fertile soil, also in this meadow where wild boar sometimes dig the soil.

Withered flower heads and leaves are still beautiful, even when they are not anymore alive.

The fog lifts and sunshine comes through.

Wild Parsnip (Pastinaca sativa) is not a delicate plant, but you can say today it shows some refinement.

This bramble, a common Blackberry (Rubus fruticosus), shows its fiery colours against the light. This will not be for long, if the cold and frosty nights go on it will take a more subdued colour.