April 18, 2018

Burnt Orchid

At sunset in a meadow. Those flower heads look like they got a dark red sunburn, but it is just the colour of the new flower buds. The lower flowers of Burnt Orchid (Neotinea ustulata) open up first, the dark red buds on top of the stalk remain closed much longer. The plant looks a bit damaged, a rabbit has eaten part of the leaves and flowers.

A few days later early in the morning. Nearly all flowers are open now.

This orchid is about 10-20 cm high and is rather common in limestone meadows.

While flowering the plants get longer and longer. Here, on a rainy May day, the first fruits appear.

Every plant is different (as in many orchid species) Nearly always there are one or more red spots on the lower lip, and a dark red upper petal.

The Japanese flag, or a face, or... ?