May 30, 2018

Slender Broomrape

Broomrapes have no chlorophyl and are parasites on other plants. They grow on their host's roots and in spring their stalks appear beside their host. It does not need leaves so it has none, at most there are some small scales. In Dordogne there are about ten different species. Slender Broomrape (Orobanche gracilis) is colourful compared to most other Broomrapes.

It can grow on several leguminose plants. In the pictures leaves and flowers of Horseshoe Vetch are visible. No, the pine cone is only to show how tiny it is.

Slender Broomrape flowers the first days of May, and you do not find it often, even if the plants it can parasitize are very common.

It is easy to distinguish Slender Broomrape from other Broomrapes, the inside of the corolla is a brilliant glistening red, contrasting with the yellow stigma. On the outside there are yellow glandulous hairs (many Broomrapes have glandulous hairs here.)