June 16, 2018

Common Twayblade

Somewhere in a deciduous wood, wet and very green after lots of rain, some plants with each a pair of nearly white leaves grow. Common Twayblade (Neottia ovata) is already at the end of its flowering season, and the plants take back the chlorophyl from the leaves to the roots to keep it in stock for next year.

In spring new leaves appear.

Two leaves not yet unfurled emerge.

A floral stark comes out, buds begin to open and you can see the first flowers. They are green with a long lower lip. Yes, Common Twayblade is an orchid.

Under the perianth with its forked lip the beginning of a fruit can be seen.

Here a cluster of Twayblades in full bloom. The species is widely found in the region. It grows often in large amounts in woods and brushes. If it grows in dryer and more exposed spots, as in an open space in a wood or a at the edge of it, they are mostly les numerous.