October 9, 2019

Round-leaved Fluellen

Now the flowering is over. A maze of small branches full of heat-shaped leaves and tiny fruits cover the naked soil in this little spot of wasteland. The downy leaves of Round-leaved Fluellen (Kickxia spuria) are covered with dewdrops, which makes them look rather greyish in this image.

Round-leaved Fluellen is a plant of arable lands, but not only, you can find it also outside agricultural fields and garden allotments.

It is an annual plant and normally it only begins to grow when summer is well on its way. It grows fast and efficient, in only a few weeks a plant can make long spaghettis covered in leaves and flowers. The latter are small but colourful, their spurs look like the tail of a small animal seen from above.

The lip, here closed, is deep dark red, nearly black, and the rest of the flower is pale yellow. A striking contrast.

Best wishes, Fluellen !