February 21, 2020

Field Marigold

In this little walnut orchard, under the trees, flowers of all colours grow. A bit early this year, but does it matter? Especially the orange of Field Marigold (Calendula arvensis) stands out.

Field Marigold looks very much like its big brother that is grown in gardens. Maybe its flowers are a bit paler. But it has exactly the same typical smell, the same irregular fruits, and both are a bit sticky and glandulous when you touch them.

In Dordogne we find this species mainly in the Southern part of the departement, in vineyards or other places where the soil is worked or otherwise loosened, but not in excess. The plants in the pictures grow in the same kind of habitat, but more in the North, between the rivers Dordogne and Vézère.

Good morning Marigold!