September 6, 2023

Johnson Grass

Now the sunflowers have dried out, but some weeks ago they were still flourishing. Above the flower heads on their long stems a reddish hue can be seen, the flowering ears of a very big grass.


Johnson Grass (Sorgho halepensis) is a widespread perennial in agricultural fields. It grows well in circumstances suitable for crops. A lot of nitrogen and a loose soil makes it grow very fast and high. It has a well-developed root system and produces many seeds. It stands well heat and drought, better than crops, and it does not fear a wet summer. It is so competitive compared to crops that in a few years large colonies can develop. It can be found also on roadsides and fallow fields, tractor wheels take the seeds everywhere. It is considered as an invasive plant, actually, we see it more and more in Perigord.


Yet it is a beautiful plant, decorative in fields. And also in a vase. The big ears make a good contrast in shape and colour with summer flowers like zinnias, dahlias and cosmos.


When in flower the big airy plumes carry small light green stamens.


The central vein of the leaves is white, Johnson Grass is easy to recognize even when not in flower.