The flora of PĂ©rigord in South-West France is abundant and diverse. In this blog you can find, in pictures, brief encounters with several hundreds of wild flowers and plants as they grow here in French Perigord. Following the seasons other species are added. An index of scientific and English names you find below on the right.

Corine Oosterlee is a botanist and photographer and she offers guided Botanical Walks and other activities around plants and vegetation in nature in Perigord. Do you want to know more? On you can find more information. For Corine's photography see Both websites also in English.


June 30, 2009

Field Eryngo

Those prickly leaves that scratch your ankles while you are walking through a meadow are Field Eryngo (Eryngium campestre).

It is easy to recognise, the wax coating that protects the leaves against summer heat gives the plant its typical green-bluish hue.

It looks like a thistle, a prickly plant with flowers in heads. But no, it does not belong to the family of Asteraceae like other thistles (and the dandelion and the daisy), but to the Apiaceae. Members of this family have flowers in umbels, as you can see in wild carrots and fennel.

In the Field Eryngo the stalks under each flower have so much shortened you don't see them any more. Bracts form a ring under the flowers.